Anti Bribery Policy


Bribery is the acceptance of gifts, money, or other favours in return for providing something of value to the bribe.
Policy Statement

Quattro Plant Ltd is dedicated to conducting business consistent with the highest standards of business ethics. We have an obligation to our employees, customers, suppliers and others with whom we interact to be honest, fair and forthright in all business activities. Quattro Plant will not offer or accept gifts, hospitality or other inducements which encourage or reward a decision nor engage in any form of Bribery. We will therefore not tolerate any form of bribery by an employee, person or company associated with Quattro Plant. The purpose of this policy is to set out the rules that must be followed in Quattro Plant Ltd to ensure that bribery does not occur.

Unacceptable behaviour

The following behaviour is unacceptable, and is not tolerated in Quattro Plant:

1) Accepting any financial or other reward from any person in return for providing a favour,
2) Requesting a financial or other reward from any person in return for providing a favour,
3) Offering any financial or other reward from any person in return for providing a favour.

Business gifts

In general, business gifts are neither given nor received by Quattro Plant. If on an occasion gifts are given or received they will be reasonable and proportionate. Any gifts given or received will be recorded and assessed by the Managing Director to ensure they are appropriate.

Employees and operatives shall inform their manager of any gifts, however small, that they have received from or been offered by any company or person associated with Quattro Plant. This information shall be recorded in the employee’s personal file after a decision was made by the Managing Director as to its appropriateness.

Donations to organisations

Quattro Plant occasionally makes donations to charity and these are managed by the Managing Director. No employee representing Quattro Plant shall make any donation to a charity without the approval of the Managing Director. Under no circumstances shall any person associated with Quattro Plant make any donations to charities, political parties or other organisation with the intention of gaining a business advantage.

Raising concerns

Any employee or contractor who is concerned that acts of bribery are occurring in Quattro Plant or feels he or she has potentially been bribed has a duty to inform their manager. If this course of action is inappropriate, the employee should inform another senior manager or the Managing Director.

Disciplinary action

Any Quattro Plant employee or contractor who is found to be in breach of these policy rules will face disciplinary action which could include dismissal for gross misconduct and may involve the police. A breach could include:

a) Accepting a bribe of any kind
b) Requesting a bribe of any kind
c) Offering a bribe of any kind
d) Not reporting the acceptance or giving of a gift within the company to a manager.

John Murphy
 Managing Director
 Quattro Plant Ltd
May 2024

As HR Manager of Quattro Plant Ltd, I countersign this policy statement and shall ensure it is communicated and implemented.

Melanie Webb
 HR Manager
 Quattro Plant Ltd
May 2024