Corporate Social responsibility Charter

Quattro Plant Ltd (QPL) is taking steps to increase visibility of its accountability towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for its customers, suppliers, employees and quite specifically the local areas situated close to its network of depots. Therefore, we have established this charter, setting out our key CSR themes which align to the following:

  • Sustainability, where we are setting ambitious targets via the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) to reduce our Green House Gas emissions. Quattro has already committed to the SBTi, an urgent call-to-action campaign led by the SBTi, UN Global Compact and the We Mean Business Coalition calling for companies to set emissions reduction targets in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
  • Embed our commitment to our core values and beliefs.
  • Introduce a better understanding within the company for the requirements of the Social Value Act as we embed the United Nations approved Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

QPL is committed to working with its key markets (rail, highways and construction) to collectively increase the amount of value delivered through strategic actions and initiatives.

What CSR Means for Quattro?

We define CSR as the integration of business operations and values, whereby the interests of all stakeholders including investors, customers, employees, the broader community and environment on whom we can have an impact are reflected in our policies and actions. This has led to a number of our previous policies being integrated into this single CSR Charter.

Quattro has formed a CSR Task Force to lead the transformation of the company as it continues its journey.

Specific CSR Themes

Successful implementation of this charter will be measured against FOUR core value themes:

  • Fighting Climate Change,
  • Equality and Diversity,
  • CSR and Social Value,
  • Governance.

Fighting Climate Change

We've been working on our sustainability agenda since 2015, when we committed to a company-wide Sustainability Plan. You can see some of our results from this period in our annual reports.

In 2022, we determined that our baseline year should be 2021 for our Science Based Target (SBTi) emission reduction forecasts purposes, and so from that year until 2030 we intend to monitor, report and reduce our Scope Emissions as follows:

  •  Scope 1 & 2: reduce Quattro’s GHG emissions by 42% by 2030.


The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting. It also provides a framework for organisations to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets based on the latest available science.

The Target Setting and GHG Validation Protocol has been used in conjunction with other key SBTi target-setting resources, most notably the SBTi Criteria. The latter defines the minimum qualitative and quantitative criteria for targets to be recognized by the SBTi.

The QPL Decarbonisation Plan can be found in the IMS (EMP/009 Decarbonisation Plan).

Progress Reporting

Progress reporting is integral to the credibility of Quattro’s science-based targets. All companies with targets shall publicly report their progress against published targets annually as per the SBTi Criteria and Recommendations. The SBTi recommends public disclosure through standardized, comparable data platforms such as CDP’s climate change annual questionnaire, companies’ reports or directly on their websites.

These SBT can be attributed in part to our transition to a leaner and greener operation, with an increased effort on our (SDGs). Therefore, for the next reporting period of 2024/25, Quattro’s Sustainability Task Force has challenged itself to develop a suite of objectives and targets to measure and monitor the 'real' impact and customer/stakeholder benefits of our sustainability journey.

Equality & Diversity

QPL is committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst the whole workforce. It is in our interests to promote equality of opportunity for all, and to ensure that no individual is discriminated against in the delivery of our business activities.
We aim to ensure that the values of equality, diversity, and respect for all are embedded into everything that we do. We aim to ensure that all employees and job applicants are given equal opportunity and that our workforce is representative of all sections of society. Each and every employee will be respected and valued to enable them to give their best to the business. This supports the needs of SDG 5.

This CSR Charter reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all our workforce and to not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief; or sex and sexual orientation. We will not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour towards anyone.

All employees, no matter whether they are part time, full time or temporary will be treated fairly and with respect. The selection of candidates for employment, promotion, training or any benefit will be done so on the basis of aptitude and ability. All employees will be given the help and encouragement that is needed to ensure they develop to their full potential.

QPL are committed to the following:

  • Creating an environment that all individual’s contributions and differences will be recognised and valued.
  • Encouraging employees to treat each other with dignity and respect.
  • Making development, training and progression opportunities accessible to all staff.
  • Creating an environment where anyone that is subject to discrimination feels comfortable to raise any concerns.
  • Not tolerating any form of intimidation, bullying, harassment or discrimination and to deal with any breaches of the policy via our disciplinary procedure.

For equality to be achieved this policy needs to be understood and embraced by all staff and promoted by senior management. To ensure that we are meeting the aims and the spirit of this policy we will:

  • Review all policies to ensure that it reflects up to date equality legislation and best practice to promote fairness in the workplace.
  • Implement it through our documented Management System and embed it as a core value within our business.

The Law

This policy will be implemented within the framework of the relevant legislation, which includes:

  • Equality Act 2010.
  • Human Rights Act 1998.
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
  • The Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

In addition to our legal commitments to Modern Slavery Act (2015) which is laid out in our policy, we have an aspiration to ensure that business activities of QPL respect our obligations to other aspects of CSR which is defined as the integration of business operations and values, whereby the interests of all stakeholders including investors, customers, employees, the broader community and environment on whom we can have an impact are reflected in our policies and actions and this supports UN SDG 8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth).


QPL provides equal opportunities both to job applicants and existing employees, recognising that our reputation depends on the wellbeing, effectiveness and skill base of our employees. QPL is committed to the equal treatment of all employees and promotes the prohibition of discrimination, in areas including equal pay, fair treatment and employment opportunities for a diverse workforce.

QPL offers flexible working arrangements where practicable to help employees achieve a good work/life balance.
QPL is committed to the promotion of the mental health and wellbeing of its staff by creating a culture and environment the supports their social wellbeing, physical health and in turn the organisational success.
We provide workplaces of a high standard for the benefit of our employees, customers and clients, with equally high standards of adherence to health and safety requirements in line with ISO 45001.


QPL seek wherever possible to minimise the environmental impacts of its activities and to strive to work towards reducing the carbon effects of the business and clients through electrification and improving the rail infrastructure.
We are committed to preventing pollution, minimise waste from offices and workplaces and adopting good environmental management practices whilst working closely with our waste suppliers. QPL will seek to improve the efficiency of its use of resources by conducting activities and operations in line with current environmental legislation, best practice whilst adherence to its environmental requirements in line with ISO 14001.


QPL will work closely within the community and it neighbours to build good relationships.
Many of our employees are from areas local to their workplaces and we aim to engage with the local schools, colleges, universities and communities on employment especially with in regard to our apprenticeship programs.

QPL work closely with our client base to ensure that:

  • Work is planned to minimise disruption (with consideration given to deliveries & collections),
  • All work is completed in the specify timeframes,
  • All work is carried out safely and to process,
  • We will participate in Joint Safety Ventures, Client meetings, Seminars & sharing of information,
  • We communicate and work together.

QPL will monitor Client satisfaction through varies mediums and where improvements can be made we will strive to continually improve in line with the quality requirements within ISO 9001. Positive feedback will be shared with the individuals.

QPL will work with our supplier to help us meets our Clients need through cost effective, timely and correct delivery of parts, materials and consumable items. We will look at the following areas in all our suppliers:

  • Develop & strengthen relationships,
  • Minimise risks,
  • Maximise value.

As well as the above we will look at key documents that our supply base must produce so we can have faith that they are adhering to best practice, UK law & where applicable NR Standards. This will include but not limited to:

  • Modern Slavery Act 2015,
  • Bribery Act 2010,
  • Insurance (Public, Employee, Professional, Contractor, etc.),
  • RISQS accreditation,
  • HSQE Policies and or accreditation,
  • Waste Carriers License,
  • FORS,
  • Accident & Incident stats and figures.

John Murphy
Managing Director
 Quattro Plant Ltd
 May 2024

As Corporate Strategy of Quattro Plant Ltd, I countersign this policy statement and shall ensure it is communicated and implemented.

Bob Browning
Corporate Strategy
Quattro Plant Ltd
May 2024